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Showing posts from March, 2020

SharePoint URLs to navigate quickly

At some point you want to navigate to other page on SharePoint like Site setting page or Site content page but you forgot the navigation path or you want to navigate quickly at that time these URLs will be very useful. You can navigate to particular page using these URLs without navigating through site. Change the tenant name and appropriate site URL and paste the it into address bar. These are some useful url's for SharePoint. You can navigate in SharePoint without using site navigation but   for this you must have required permission otherwise you will get “Access denied”. Some useful URL's for Microsoft Office 365/SharePoint  Users. Useful url's to navigate under the Microsoft 365 admin center (For this Admin Access is required): 1.  URL to check all the active users on sharepoint site. You can have option to add users, to delete users, to imply multi factor authentication etc. 2. URL to che

Add and edit user profile properties in SharePoint

You can manage the user profiles from the Office 365 admin center. if you want to create new user profile properties you can do it from user profile properties. you can update the user profile properties by accessing user profiles from the SharePoint admin center. (Admin level permission required to perform this) 1. Open  Microsoft 365 admin center and navigate to SharePoint admin center.  2. On SharePoint admin center , Click on More features 3. Now click on the open , under the User profiles section. 4. Now you are at manage profile page, Click on Manage User Properties 5. Click on New Property and it will redirect you to another page. Add caption 6.   In the Property Settings  section, In the Name box, type the name of property, this name is used        by services, In the Display Name box, type the name, this name will be displayed at user profiles to all users. In the User Description section, In the Description box, type the descript

How to register an app in SharePoint

In this article, we are going to learn how to register an app/add-in in SharePoint online. If you have created a Sharepoint provider-hosted add-in or other SharePoint solution and to access the SharePoint site or list using the app/add-in you need to register the add-in on SharePoint and to grant permission. Register app in SharePoint 1. Login into SharePoint and Navigate to register an app page. Use the URL mentioned below:          [Sitecollection URL]/_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx 2.  Once you navigate to the Register app page, a form will open. You need to fill all the fields on the form. Client Id and Client Secret  generated when we click on the generate button available next to the fields.  Title : Name of the add-in which you want to give. App Domain : Where your domain is hosted, for the local environment you can place             "". Do not include HTTP or HTTPS in App Domain. Redirect URL :  Insert the redirect URL, for t