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Showing posts from August, 2022

SPFx Interview Questions With Answers - part 2

In this article, we will include SPFx interview questions based on the SPFx development. Write the steps to deploy SPFx web part to SharePoint online. To deploy the SPFx web part and extension in SharePoint online. We need to follow the steps mentioned below to deploy SPFx client-side solution (web parts, extension ) to SharePoint : App Catalog site is a prerequisite to the deployment of the SPFx client-side solutions. Hence, you need to ensure that an App Catalog site is present. Create Package : Open the command prompt and move to our SPFx web part directory. Run the command "gulp clean" , this command removes all files from previous builds. Run the command  "gulp bundle --ship" , you have to add the --ship or the --production argument to the bundle command, this command helps us to build solutions for production. Run the command  "gulp package-solution --ship" , one we run the previous command we need to run this command to create a package. Once the co

SPFx Interview Questions With Answers

In this article, we are going to discuss interview questions related to the SPFx (SharePoint Framework Development ). It will help you to prepare for the interview and in getting clarity on the core concepts of SPFx development. What is SPFx? SPFx, short for SharePoint Framework,  SPFx  allows us for client-side SharePoint development, we can easily connect with SharePoint data and it also supports for open source tools. What is the major difference between SPFx web part and the SharePoint app? Both the development model supports client-side development but the major difference between these two is that the SharePoint app(add-in) runs on the iframe. What you can build with SPFx? Using SPFx framework we can customize the SharePoint pages. We can build things mentioned below using the SharePoint Framework(SPFx). Web parts, Extensions, Adaptive Card, Library Component How many types of extensions we can create using SPFx? SPFx has three extension types: Application Customizers: Using the

SPFx environment setup with multiple Node.js version

"How to set up SPFx development environment"  is the first question that came when we want to develop client-side solutions using SPFx. This blog will share the steps to set up the SPFx environment with multiple Node.js versions. This article also include steps to setup the nvm on windows machine. Using nvm we can manage multiple node versions on the windows. There may be times when using Node.js that you need to run numerous instances of the software on the same computer. To work with SPFx solutions which are created with different versions of  Node.js, You need multiple Node.js versions on your machine. To install and set up the SPFx environment with multiple Node.js versions, use the steps mentioned below.  If Node.js is already installed on your computer, use the instructions below to remove it. 1. Uninstall Node.js   2. Remove the Node.js  related folders from the location "C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm" SPFx Node.js supported versions are: SharePoin